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Oh man! I feel like I got my head back. It's a great feeling, let me tell you! On top of that, I haven't been able to sleep well for almost a week and last night I slept like a baby. Thank you so much!! I really really needed that.  Ben S  7-2022


I have something I want to share with you, 8-9 months ago you did my first reading and even on my 2nd reading you told me to get rid of the guy that he was bringing my vibration down.  Well I finally did it and I can't tell you how different I fee.  It feels like this dark cloud has floated away.  It feels like the light has been turned on within me again.  I am gradually returning to myself again.  The peace is returning and the constant anxiety that kept me suffocated and isolated is leaving.  I feel hopeful again.  All those months what you told me kept coming to my mind.  Finally my soul gave me a big push and said enough is enough.  I just wanted to say thank you for being the voice in my head all those months.  Thank you for  your love.  Michelle W   6-2022

2021:  This was an amazing experience.  Renee is so welcoming, caring and passionate about her gift, that it puts you at ease as soon as you walk in the door.  I would recommend her to everyone.  Thank you so much Ren'ee.  Tierra

July:  You are appreciated far more than you realize.  You hold up so many.  MB

I just discovered it is my anniversary of knowing you two years and how much my life has changed since knowing you.  Your teachings have transformed my life in so many ways.  Thank you so much for your support and love.  'V'  

Nov. 2020:  She helped me out a lot, and I feel as if I am not only connected to myself on a better level, but I am also better connected with the spirits.  I know my purpose and I now fulfill that purpose.  Phillip.  

2020:  Ren'ee was wonderful.  I was greeted right when I walked in and offered something to drink.  The house was beautiful and felt very calming and safe space.  The reading was an hour.  Ren'ee discussed so much with me and I felt speechless (in a good way) at the things that were coming up.  She makes you feel very comfortable and welcomed.  She gives you some papers to take home that talk about your reading and about things that come up during it.  Very informative and helpful.  I've recommened her to close friends who feel they are in a rut or are interested in a reading.  Elizabeth Ann

Aug. 2020:  Chelsea S:  I wanted to thank you again for yesterday.  Your offering your classes gives me hope and something to look forward to again. ...You helped me more than you will ever know and I'm very grateful for that. " 

May 2020, Sydney:  I just wanted to thank you so much for your time and willingness to help me yesterday! Words can't express my appreciation.  I woke up this morning feeling more empowered and at peace than I ever have.  I'm excited for my new journey. 

May 2020, Cass:  I have thought about your words over and over and found myself using your expressions to describe positivity.  I so enjoyed meeting you and learning what Spirit had in store for me. 

August '19  K:  Seriously, how do you know this stuff?!  You told me I would be getting a new job, I rebuked you because I wasn't looking.  September, I have a new job offer out of the blue! 

June '18 Monique:  When you told me that my daughter could have a baby, I was not happy; my daughter was still pure.  Two days later, boy, did I get a surprise for Mother's day!  :(  

June '19  Tara Marker:   Re’nee is an amazing caring soul. Her abilities and knowledge are phenomenal and have made a huge difference in my life. I am forever grateful that I was led to Re’nee. 

Feb. "19 Tracy:  Renee is a very caring and kind human being. You feel that from the moment you meet her. I've been to her a few times.Spending time with her is like spending time with an old friend. She cares about people beyond just their reading. Her reiki scans are spot on and her readings are really detailed and accurate. You get a thorough reading with her. It's like reading/life coaching at the same time. I have recommended her before and will continue to do so. 

"18 Ashlee Jolyn:  Renee is such a wonderful human being with such a wonderful compassion for humanity! I’ve been working with her over a year now and I just love her encouragement, presence and truth! Such a warm and mothering feeling when I hug her! I love you Renee and Amlan !

Hello Ren'ee

I don't expect you'll remember me, but I won a free reading with you last November at the Victory of Light psychic fair. I just wanted to take a minute to email you and let you know what an amazing job you did. My friend was standing with me at the time and you were telling her about her husband. How he was going to be up to his old tricks again and how she would realize that soon. Well about a month later, he pulled his same thing, taking out money from her account making it overdraw on Christmas Day for drug money, she made him leave and I thought of you. Of your warning to her.....during my reading I asked you about a job I was trying to get, you told me that I would indeed have the job by March at the latest, after some drama there and I had to push for it.....guess what, I start tomorrow!! And let me tell ya you were right on the money about drama there lol. They ended up hiring two different people, neither of which worked out, and in order to prove I could do it better I worked two days pro bono. I fought for it and I got it! I always kept what you had said in the back of my mind, but I had almost given up...good thing I took your advice. Also after the reading was done, my friend walked back up and you told her that her life was going to really be different in about 9 months.....a few weeks later she found out she is pregnant lol....Now I'm just looking forward to some other great things to happen in my life (like a man!!! hahaha)
Hopefully you'll be at the fair in April, I plan to come see you again.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift and giving hope to people. You truly are a gift on this earth.
Much Love and Blessings,
Melissa Leath


Hello Re'nee,

My name is Sharon. I was at the spirit fayre in Fort Wayne May 13. My Son Gary received a reading from you. He let me listen to the tape.I was so impressed. He really needed to hear the things you told him. Thank you.!!!

I would like to know where you are located . I would be interested in a reading for myself and my daughter.

Thank you

Sharon Masters


It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you so much for your help. For the first time in months I feel like I have hope. I can not tell you how long I have prayed for help. I have been flying high since our meeting. Today I started to get frightened that I would miss something or that I would not act on something that I should. I guess I want this so badly that I am afraid I will mess something up. Can you advise me? Should I make another appointment?



Jessica W. : 12/16/2016 : Ren'ee is a truly gifted psychic and reiki master. When I first came to her, I was frantically searching for answers. I was going through an awakening and had no idea what was happening. With Ren'ee's divine guidance and reiki, I was able to shift my perspective to a place where I could heal. She has become so dear to me that I can't imagine life without her beautiful light. Never before have I experienced such miraculous change in my personal soul growth. Thanks to Ren'ee, I have realized the work that needs to be done and my soul purpose on this planet. I cannot thank her enough for the gifts of love and wisdom she has given me and continues to give. This earth angel is a gift from God.


Larry M. : Renee is the real deal! She is very intuitive and your experience with her will be a positive one.

Superpages Review: anonymous,09/04/2013

Linda: I do not believe in this stuff, but a friend recommended Ren'ee and she made me a believer! She is warm and sincere, I could feel God with her and every thing she said has come true. I will go back again and I am sending my other nonbelievers to her.

Rikki, July 14, 2012: “You have helped to lift my spirits and to give me the push which I so desperately needed to get myself out of the hold. I have already started my positive affirmations and I intend to stick with them. You are always there when I need you to help me through my struggles.”


august 5, 2014 Marsha: I so enjoyed our time together. Thank you for your time, more importantly sharing your knowledge, advice and love that I always soak in and take as inspiration from you. You are an Angel right here on earth and I do appreciate you. Marsha


Ursula: Ren'ee, your seminar changed my life... Literally!!! It was what marked the first day of the rest of my life, and I will be forever grateful for that! I love you! ♥️󾬘


Tracy: Renee is a very caring and kind human being. You feel that from the moment you meet her. I've been to her a few times.Spending time with her is like spending time with an old friend. She cares about people beyond just their reading. Her reiki scans are spot on and her readings are really detailed and accurate. You get a thorough reading with her. It's like reading/life coaching at the same time. I have recommended her before and will continue to do so.


Josha: I would highly recommend Renee and her husband for any readings or Reiki healing sessions. They are very professional, warm and compassionate, and truly have divine skills and gifts to work with. Looking forward to more sessions in the future. Keep up the great work!


Natasha: I truly enjoyed my session with Renee. It almost felt like having coffee with a friend. I loved how she broke things down with metaphors to further illustrate her guidance. While I truly believe that you are the master of your own destiny it was amazing and soul warming to see Renee and I plan to come back for more positive and on point guidance in the future


Valdemar: I am old, complicated, difficult, alienated, feel like I’m from another planet, have recently finished a major project, and I wasn’t sure what, if anything, was coming next. So, I browsed the web for a psychic with whom I could just talk to see if anything came to her that might be of help, and chose Rénee because I saw evidence that she was kind. I must have a guardian angel because my hour with her turned out to be exactly what I needed, and far beyond what I could have expected.

She actually listened to me, not just to my words, but to what I couldn’t articulate or even see. She told me a couple good things about myself that I have carried my whole life long and haven’t been able to realize. We sometimes need honest others to give us a point from which truly to see our selves, and she gave me that. She has been through what I’ve been through, as well as being quickly intuitive, so she got “my problem” exactly. In particular, she spoke to this problem I have of not being able to see now, at 77, if there is anything left which the Lord might ask, and I be able, to do. She was quite clear that it’s not time for me to die yet, that there is something more for me to do, and what she said “clicked,” “made sense,” and definitely is possible, even though I might not see it or be clear about it myself. I am still now, many days later, deepening my appreciation for her work and gift.


Liset: Renee has been a true blessing to me! I highly recommend her to anyone needing guidance or spiritual insight. She has a very open-minded personality that makes you feel very comfortable, and she provides thorough readings. Love her!


April: It was very easy to schedule an appointment here via text message. I had a Reiki energy session with both Renee and Amlan. They both have and amazing gift of intuition. The session was very comforting and I will definitely come back again.


Harmony: Working with Renee and her husband has been a true blessing. By attending their reiki classes I’ve gained knowledge and skills I can apply to my life and my growth to better myself as a person. Renee’s done a reading for me that will forever be with me. She shared things with me that I needed to hear to keep myself going. I’ve also had reiki done by Renee and her husband, together. What they do as a team is simply beautiful. I left there learning things about myself that I need to know to improve myself physically and spiritually. At the end of the session, I felt pure bliss. If anybody needs answers, encouragement, or a nudge in the right direction Renee is the lady to meet with. She also has a vibe of love and happiness that easily rubs off on you.. she’s a wonderful person to be around <3


Colleen: I had a reiki session with Renee and Amlan; it was so beneficial to my spirit and my mind. I left feeling lighter, refreshed and renewed. They are so perceptive and gifted. Thank you Renee and Amlan!


Jamie: Renee is a wonderful, beautiful, healing person. She's a radiant love bubble! Her readings are always accurate and thorough. I also work as a reader and can attest to the one negative comment that she is not a doctor and is not allowed to tell people if something she feels is cancer. I feel one comment should not turn you away from what would be a truly healing session. Blessed be.


Lisa: I thought both Ren'ee and her husband were insightful. I can't say I felt all that different after the session, but sometimes things need to rest a minute. She & her husband work as a team, and both are clearly sensitive to energy & seem to have a special gift for Reiki.


Lisa: I absolutely love Renee! Every reading has been on point and accurate!!! Renee, I may be getting that ring after all!!! Thank you!


Betty: Ren'ee was amazing! I have been to several psychics but she was accurate, very thorough and transforming. My life will be better after spending time with her. She is truly caring and wants to make our lives better. I will see her again and highly recommend her to anyone seeking a honest and spiritual reader.


Alex: Excellent! Very caring and right on the money!

TEXT REN'EE  937.278.5937

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